We are excited to announce that we are officially cooperating with ClimatePartner to offer our clients and their customers a holistic, transparent view of the balance between positive and negative impacts regarding sustainability activities of companies.
ClimatePartner’s specialized software allows us to calculate the CO2 footprint of events, media productions and campaigns and to reduce emissions. In addition, residual emissions can be offset supporting carbon offset projects that are aligned with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is necessary to reach the 1.5 °C target.
We believe this should be the standard for every creative agency in the future. Why? To make claimed positive impacts visible and measurable. And this approach also helps our clients to avoid greenwashing accusations, to raise their credibility, and to act as sustainably as possible while reaching planned business goals.

Vision ClimatePartner
About ClimatePartner
ClimatePartner was founded in Munich in 2006. Today, more than 600 employees are spread across offices in Barcelona, Berlin, Boston, Essen, Frankfurt, London, Milan, Munich (HQ), Paris, Stockholm, The Hague, Vienna and Zurich. Climate Partner works with more than 6,500 companies in 65 countries.
They offer a “one-stop-solution” for corporate climate action, using scalable software tools to automate and simplify standard procedures in measuring, reducing and offsetting residual emissions.
ClimatePartner is developing numerous carbon offsetting initiatives around the world, aligned with the SDGs and connected to their clients.
The ClimatePartner Label stands for transparent climate action communication.